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General Physiology Mcqs

1. Most of fluid is inside is called:

   a. Extra cellular fluid
   b. Intra cellular fluid
   c. protein
   d. CSF

Ans: Intra cellular fluid

2. Capillary permeability is increased by:

    a. Thyroid
    b. adrenaline
    c. calcium
    d. histamine

Ans: Histamine

3.   Glucagon:

     a. is a Negative inotrope
     b. is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas
     c. stimulates production of free fatty acids in the blood
     d. its release is decreased in starvation

Ans: stimulates production of free fatty acids in the blood

4.  the extra cellular fluid is in

      a. Motion
      b. constant motion
      c. free
      d. stop

Ans: constant motion

5. Extra cellular fluid is rapidly circulating in blood and then mixed between the blood by

       a. Diffusion
       b. Exfussion
       c. oxidation
       d. reaction

Ans: Diffuison

6. :  In extra cellular fluid the following things are needed

       a. ions
       b. nutrients
       c. none of these
       d. A&B

Ans: A&B

7. Compared with intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid has

      a. a greater osmolarity
      b. a higher protein concentration
      c. a lower potassium ion concentration
      d. a lower hydrogen ion concentration

Ans: C and D

8. The sequence of events in muscle contraction

      a. actin combines with myosin ATP leading to crossbridge activation
      b. depolarisation of T-tubules release calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum
      c. calcium binds to the troponin-tropomycin complex
      d. All

Ans:  All

9. In extra cellular fluid  are ions and nutrients needed bt the cells to

      a. maintain cell life
      b. destroy cell
      c. oxidation
      d. diffusion

Ans:  maintain cell life

10. The extra cellular fluid is also called

      a. internal environment of the body
      b. millieu interieur
      c. A&B
      d. none of these

Ans: A&B

11.Number of cells in the body :

       a. 60 trillion
       b. 80 trillion
       c. 100 trillion
       d. 200 trillion
Ans: 100 trillion

12. Number of Red Blood Cells in Body

     a. 25 trillion
     b. 30 trillion
     c. 40 trillion
     d. 50 trillion

Ans: 25 trillion

13. Portion of body that is fluid

      a. 50 %
      b. 60 %
      c. 70 %
      d. 80 %
Ans: 60 %

14. Intracellular fluid

      a. 2/3
      b. 3/4
      c. 4/5
      d. 6/7

Ans: 2/3

15. Extracellular fluid

      a. 1/2
      b. 1/3
      c. 1/4
      d. 1/5

Ans: 1/3

16. Extracellular fluid contents

       a. Na
       b. Cl
       c. O2
       d. All

Ans: All

17. Intracellular fluid contents

       a. K
       b. Mg
       c. PO4
       d. All

Ans: All

18. Nervous System parts

       a. sensory input portion
       b. central nervous system (CNS)
       c. motor output portion
       d.  All

Ans: All

19. Normal Oxygen range

       a. 25-30 mmHg
       b. 30-40 mmHg
       c. 35-45 mm Hg
       d. 40-50 mmHg

Ans: 35-45 mm Hg

20. Normal Carbon dioxide range

       a. 25-30 mmHg
       b. 30-40 mmHg
       c. 35-45 mm Hg
       d. 40-50 mmHg

Ans: 35-45 mm Hg

21. Normal Sodium range

       a. 120-140 mmol/L
       b. 138-146 mmol/L
       c. 140-150 mmol/L
       d. 150-200 mmol/L

Ans:  138-146 mmol/L

22. Normal Potassium range

       a. 3.8-5.0 mmol/L
       b. 4-6 mmol/L
       c. 4.5-5.6 mmol/L
       d. 6-7 mmol/L


23. Normal Calcium range

       a. 0.5-1.0 mmol/L
       b. 1.0-1.4 mmol/L
       c. 1.5-2.0 mmol/L
       d. 2-3 mmol/L

Ans: 1.0-1.4 mmol/L

24. Normal Chloride range

       a. 40-55 mEq/L
       b. 60-70 mEq/L
       c. 95-105 mEq/L
       d. 100-150 mEq/L

Ans:  95-105 mEq/L

25. Normal Bicarbonate range

       a. 15-20 mmol/L
       b. 24-32 mmol/L
       c. 25-30 mmol/L
       d. 40-50 mmol/L

Ans: 24-32 mmol/L

26. Normal Glucose range

       a. 75-95 mg/dl
       b. 80-100 mg/dl
       c. 100-130 mg/dl
       d. 130-150 mg/dl

Ans: 75-95 mg/dl

27. Normal pH range

       a. 5-6
       b. 6-7
       c. 7.3-7.5
       d. 7-8

Ans: 7.3-7.5

28.  The basic living unit of the body is

       a. cell
       b. tissue
       c. organ
       d. muscle

Ans: Cell

29. Each organ is aggregate of

       a. Tissue
       b. Muscle
       c. cells
       d. joints

Ans: cells

30. funtion of red cells is

       a. transport O2
       b. Transport Cl
       c. Transport Na
       d. transport K

Ans: transport O2

31. milieu interieur term interduced

       a. Claude Bernard
       b. Edme Mariotte
       c. Henri Becquerel
       d. Louis Pasteur

Ans:Claude Bernard

32.  The nucleus of a cell:

       a. stores the genetic material RNA.
       b. has nuclear pores that occupy about 10% of its surface.
       c. controls all of the osmotic processes in the cell.
       d. contains no organelles.

Ans: has nuclear pores that occupy about 10% of its surface.

33. Which of the following organelles are bounded by membranes?

       a. cilia
       b. ribosomes
       c. mitochonderia
       d. centrioles

Ans: mitochonderia

34. The study of the structure and function of cells is

       a. Cytology
       b. physilogy
       c. anatomy
       d. pathology

Ans: Cytology

35. How do water molecules and small ions pass through the outer membrane of a cell?

       b. They pass through by passive processes through cellular channels

Ans: They pass through by passive processes through cellular channels

36. In correct order, from beginning to end, cells undergoing mitosis pass through:

       a. metaphase, anaphase, and telophase prophase
       b. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
       c. prophase, metaphase telophase and anaphase
       d. telophase,anaphase,metaphase and prophase

Ans: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

37. An active process for transporting solid materials across a cell membrane is:

       a. pinocytosis
       b. bulk flow
       c. exocytosis
       d. phagocytosis

Ans: phagocytosis

38.  A cell membrane is

       a. structurally rigid
       b. impermeable
       c. selectively permeable
       d. freely permeable

Ans: selectively permeable

39. Processes that are involved in the movement of an ion across a cell membrane include:

       a. movement of centrioles
       b. active transport
       c. osmosi
       d. mitosis

Ans: active transport

40. Alteration of the properties of the membrane of a cell in response to dramatic changes in extracellular fluid composition is effected by the:

       a. Golgi apparatus
       b. cytoplasam
       c. cytoskeleton
       d. Cytosoles

Ans: Golgi apparatus

41.  is a passive process whereby water moves across a membrane; is also a passive process, but it involves the movement of solutes.

       a. Active transport; diffusion
       b. Pinocytosis; phagocytosis
       c. Osmosis; diffusion
       d. Exocytosis; lysi

Ans: Osmosis; diffusion

42. Which of the following is not true of cell division?

       a. It requires accurate duplication (replication) of the genetic material
       b. Each dividing cell produces only two daughter cells at a time
       c. It occurs at a less rapid pace in mature individuals
       d. Cells spend most of their time in cell division

Ans: It occurs at a less rapid pace in mature individuals

43. The function of a selectively permeable cell membrane is to:

       a. permit the free passage of some materials but restrict the passage of others
       b. prohibit entry of all materials into the cell at certain times
       c. allow materials to enter or leave the cell only using active processes
       d. All of the above are correct

Ans: permit the free passage of some materials but restrict the passage of others

44. If the extracellular fluid is suddenly diluted by a large amount of water, what will happen to the intracellular fluid?

       a. There will be no net change in concentration of water and solutes inside the cell
       b. Enough water will enter the cell to eliminate the concentration difference between the intracellular and extracellular environments
       c.  Water will leave the cell to increase the volume in the extracellular fluid
       d. Water and solutes in equal amounts will enter the cell

Ans: Enough water will enter the cell to eliminate the concentration difference between the intracellular and extracellular environments

45. Which of the following events occurs during telophase?

       a. Centrioles move apart
       b. The chromosomes gradually uncoil
       c. The nuclear envelope disappears
       d. Daughter chromosomes move toward the opposite ends of the cell

Ans: The chromosomes gradually uncoil

46. The nucleus of a cell is physically isolated from the surrounding cytosol by:

       a. the nuclear envelope
       b. peripheral proteins
       c. glycocalyx
       d. glycolipids

Ans: the nuclear envelope

47. The viscous coating lying on the outer surface of the cell membrane is the

       a. phospholipid layer
       b. glycocalyx
       c. plasmalemma
       d. a gated channel network

Ans: glycocalyx

48. The general functions of the cell membrane include:

       a. isolation of the cellular contents from the extracellular environment
       b. maintaining the shape of the cell
       c. responding to the presence of enzymes that speed processes
       d. producing lipids and carbohydrates

Ans: isolation of the cellular contents from the extracellular environment

49. Moving a solute or a solvent across a membrane against a concentration gradient is a process that requires an expenditure of ATP, and therefore, is:

       a. exocytosis
       b. pinocytosis
       c. an active process
       d. diffusion

Ans: an active process

50. All of the following are passive processes for the movement of materials across a cell membrane except:

       a. bulk flow
       b. endocytosis
       c. diffusion
       d. osmosis

Ans: endocytosis

51. If a cell lacked centrioles, it would be unable to:

      a. transport and manufacture carbohydrates and lipids
        b. direct the movement of chromosomes during cell division
c. manufacture proteins
d. replicate its own DNA

Ans: direct the movement of chromosomes during cell division

52. The nucleus of a cell

a. lacks a nuclear envelope in most cells
b. houses the DNA content of the cel
c. communicates directly with the cytosol by electrical signals
d. contains the Golgi apparatus of the cell

Ans: houses the DNA content of the cel

53. A cell engulfs solid objects by:

a. active transport
b. pseudopodia
c. filtration
d. diffusion

Ans: pseudopodia

54. The nucleus controls the cellular operations that include

a. formation of vesicles that bleb off the Golgi apparatus
b. ATP production
c. protein synthesis
d. coiling of the DNA

Ans: protein synthesis

55. Microvilli are present on cells that are actively absorbing materials from extracellular fluid, such as intestinal cells that have them to:

a. assist with exocytosis.
b. engulf pathogens
c. increase the surface area
d. All of the above are correct

Ans: increase the surface area

56. Membranous organelles in the cell include and the among others

a. tubulin; thick filaments; centrosomes
b. mitochondria; nucleus; Golgi apparatus
c. ribosomes; cilia; flagella
d. microvilli; plasmalemma; lysosome

Ans: mitochondria; nucleus; Golgi apparatus

57. The three major functions of the endoplasmic reticulum are

a. hydrolysis; diffusion; osmosis
b. synthesis; storage; transport
c. pinocytosis; phagocytosis; storage
d. None of the above is correct

Ans: synthesis; storage; transport

58. A passive membrane transport processes is:

a. active transport.
b. diffusion
c. phagocytosis
d. receptor-mediated endocytosis

Ans: diffusion

59. Intra cellular  fluid ...... the extra cellular fluid

a. differ significantly
b. same things
c. none
d. all above

Ans: Differ significantly

60. Intra cellular fluid maintain

a. size of cell
b. ion concentraion
c. shape of cell
d. All above

Ans: ion concentraion

61. The term Homeostasis mean

a. Excreation
b. osmoreegulation
c. both A&B
d. None

Ans: A&B

62. The extra cellular fluid transported trhough all parts of the body by

a. two stages
b. four stages
c. six stages
d. eight stages

Ans: two stages

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